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Hello and welcome to my blog

Since this is a brand-new blog, I guess I ought to introduce myself and the blog’s purpose. Let’s start at the end. The blog is to share news and information relating to getting through college without debt. I have earned four different college degrees and had zero college debt at each of those graduations. Debt free college is possible.

Few of those who take the easy route into paying for college and accept college loans understand the terrible bondage of that debt. As a college professor, I meet many students who have taken college loans. After graduation, they’ve regretted doing so. Debt is a terrible taskmaster and will stop you from doing the things you wish to do, or God wishes you to do.

There’s a book coming out in the coming months that will cover this topic in much more detail. The working title is “Say No! to College Debt” and I’ll be telling you more about it in future posts. We’re working right now with a publisher on the details of getting it out. This blog will give me the opportunity to provide up-to-date information on how to get through college without using debt. It’ will supplement the content of the book. Both the book and the blog operate on the premise that the best way to get through college without debt is by using God’s financial principles.

For those who don’t know me, my name is Russ Stevens and for those who do know me, my name is still Russ Stevens. I’m an adjunct (meaning part-time) professor for a number of colleges around the US. I primarily teach accounting and finance classes. I also teach a Biblical Financial Planning class, a Faith & Money class, and some non-accounting business classes.

I’m so excited to be able to share what God has taught me through my history of varied work and teaching. I hope you’ll make use of what you read to move towards freedom from the bondage of college debt.

PS. I am planning on posting at least twice monthly, but as items show up in the news or changes happen relating to paying for college, I may post more often.

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